Step up – or down

Cee’s Black and White challenge asks for steps and stairs.  Most of my choices are outdoor steps.

Nature versus city, the dunes near Bamburgh Castle in the Northeast of England versus steps in Mainz, Germany.


Steps as seats – both in Birmingham.  Thomas Attwood on the steps of Chamberlain square who fought for full employment and better democractic representation and city workers on their break (of which Thomas Attwood would have approved).

These rather spidery steps lead over an area which is left untouched to show how nature is recovering after the devastation left behind by the hurricane Lothar which swept through the area in 1999 . The steps on the left are from Edinburgh, Scotland.


The New Steps

The New Steps is a street (with steps) in Edingburgh.


And these are new steps in metal, rather than stone.  Going up the spiral stairs near the Biosphärenhaus in the Pfälzer Wald, and going down to the subway in Munich.



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