It’s this Time of the Year Again

Asparagus and strawberries fresh from the field.

Cellpic Sunday




16 thoughts on “It’s this Time of the Year Again

    1. It’s an entirely different experience. You have to know how to prepare the white one and then it’s wonderful. You also must get white asparagus as fresh as possible – it’s harvested in the early morning, wrapped in wet cloth, and sold preferably before midday. Keep it moist until you cook it. It’s like comparing apples with pears if you compare that with green asparagus (that’s delicious, too, but completely different).

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      1. Where? I don’t consider myself a German jingoist but I am a bit partial to the local region (similar to not caring too much about England but being a 100% Yorkshire man, if you know what I mean). And I know they now grow asparagus in Sachsen but it’s just not the same. – Having said that it’s okay if you don’t like them. Comparing them to green asparagus is just not fair. Some people like broccoli but detest cauliflower, that kind of thing.

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